

Despite the copious amount of layers, this is probably one of the cheapest outfits I have put on display. I am proficient in bargain hunting, due to growing up with a single mom and multiple siblings. I don’t mind splurging now and then, although my idea of a splurge is that of a normal transaction. There are certain articles of clothing that I will pay a pretty penny for – a nice coat, tailored trousers (hard to come by with my shape – luckily I don’t wear them much), handmade goods or a heart-achingly perfect vintage dress. Otherwise, I am happy to hunt for a better deal. 

Ironically, my makeup costs quite a bit more than the clothing in my closet. It makes me a little nauseous when I add up the prices of everything in my train case. I have put a halt to makeup purchases for now, save for the staples (fluidline, concealer, burt’s bees). Luckily, I have enough of everything to last me through the expiration dates. I can’t say I regret my purchases, because I enjoy it all very much and I cut corners in every other respect. However, with the current financial crises, I should just count myself lucky for the free makeup I receive from friends in higher places.

vintage tam – $1 or $2, I can’t remember
vintage 70s button up shirt – $1 at a flea market, ages ago
brown sparkle and fade top – $1 at Urban Outfitters
green cami – my little sister’s (she left it here)
vintage baubles – gift from a friend
navy belt – thrifted
wrinkled (I worked in it all day!) skirt – h&m, $10 on sale
tights – h&m
socks – $1 at Gap
vintage boots – thrifted years and years ago

I’d like to get to know everyone who is reading my blog, so please introduce yourself. Introduce yourself even if I already know you, so everyone else can get to know you, as well:) 
-Evelyn Bourdon