
That Girl

This is that outfit that I promised to you, from Wednesday – thrifting and ‘Snice day! Bobby refuses to have a Wednesday without his faux chicken pot pie wrap…it’s an addiction, really.

Outfit Details:
Vintage red jacket – thrifted
Vintage Christian Dior belt – from my mom’s consignment shop (Hourglass)
Vintage red slip – also from my mom’s shop
Dress – TJ Maxx? I think? I’ve had it for a long time.
Tights – H&M
Vintage boots – Beacon’s Closet

Look at how happy he is, after his lunch.

A couple of Bobby’s friends (Aaron and Rachel) stayed with us this week, so we ended up eating out quite a bit. Not that I’m complaining; as much as I like eating in, it’s nice to get out, when we have company. Of course, in addition to some new places, we had to take them to a familiar one…Eclipse! I love that place; it’s tiny and charming and the owner, Yasuko, is very friendly. She’s also the only one who speaks English, but that doesn’t keep us from trying to communicate with the adorable waitress, who just smiles a lot and laughs when Bobby tries to speak Spanish.

Our dinner at Eclipse (clockwise from top left): cheese enchiladas, guacamole, tiramisu, vegetarian combination (tofu taco, guacamole tostada, potato quesadilla)

We’re taking a road trip, tomorrow! Bobby, the critters and I are heading to Florida for a week or so. I’m in the process of updating the site, so if you buy anything tonight or tomorrow morning, I’ll have it shipped this week. Otherwise, all shipments will have to be made when I return, next week. To those of you who emailed me about the site errors: Thank you, and I’m sorry! I know the new stuff is still linking to the old items…it’s because I fell asleep while updating, twice. In my zombie state, I accidentally uploaded the changes before it was finished. Sorry!

-Evelyn Bourdon

p.s. I had a really awful reaction to this cheap translucent powder I bought, when I ran out of my MAC natural skinfinish. You might not be able to tell from the photos, but I have blotchy, dry patches and blemishes on my chin and on my left cheek! I don’t even own foundation, so I’ve been having to just suffer through it. I’m almost afraid to even buy foundation, but I feel like I should have some around for times like these. So my question for you is…can any of you recommend a non-comedogenic, drug store foundation that I can pick up? It’s making me so self conscious.

Lesson learned – stop being lazy and just make the trip to MAC.