
Go Colts!

Starting tomorrow, my little sister Tessa will be a freshman in high school. I know I sound old when I say things like this, but it feels like I just walked her home from kindergarten, yesterday. I cried when she started kindergarten, so you can only imagine how much I’m freaking out about this.

The Colts shirt was passed down from my mom, to my older sister Nicole, to me, to Amanda, back to me, and now to Tessa Marie. It’s kind of neat that all of us went to the same high school – and that, as horse people, our mascot is a colt!

Love Love,
Evelyn Bourdon  p.s. I am lucky to have such a great little sister. When I said that they treat you like young adults in high school, she replied, “But I like being a kid!” I hope she never loses that quality:)