
Heart IFB!

photo credit: Jason Jean of Citizen Couture for Harper’s Bazaar

The very first day of fashion week was also the day of the IFB Evolving Influence conference, which Kim and I volunteered for. I had a midday show to attend at Lincoln Center (within walking distance, luckily), but I helped stuff the goodie bags and checked in the attendees. It was really awesome meeting so many different people and seeing blogger friends from all over. After the conference, a bunch of us went out for pizza and generally had a great time.

A lot of readers ask me for advice on blogging, and in addition to my normal tips, I always direct them to IFB. If you’re a blogger and you aren’t familiar with IFB, join it and soak up all the info you can retain. Jennine and the IFB crew and contributors are pretty amazing. It’s such a great community to be a part of. If you missed the panels, there are many articles available on the site, as well as other blogs!

It’s kind of funny that I was at a blogger event and actually forgot to take my outfit photo. Luckily, a bunch of photographers snapped some photographs outside of Lincoln Center – one of which ended up on Harper’s Bazaar. Yay! Sure, it’s only one photo, but it’s not like I won’t be wearing the outfit again;)

Outfit Details:
cardigan – borrowed from my friend Samara
grey shirt – Forever 21
skirt – self made
Seychelles Hawk Wedges – courtesy of ModCloth
nude fishnet tights – probably Target?
belt – thrifted

Love Love,
Evelyn Bourdon