snow white halloween costume Evelyn Bourdon

Disney Halloween Costume: Snow White

snow white halloween costume Evelyn Bourdon

“I’m awfully sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. But you don’t know what I’ve been through. And all because I was afraid. I’m so ashamed of the fuss I made.”

Snow White costume details:

handmade top (I love an excuse to sew!)

yellow skirt

Snow White wig

Set by Erin Solari

Illustrations by Will Orr


Next up in my Disney Princess Halloween series is my number one girl: Snow White! It should go without saying that Snow White is my favorite Disney princess, so this costume was the one I was looking forward to most. Like me, she’s pale with dark hair and has a special bond with woodland creatures. That’s about where our similarities end, since I don’t cook, clean, break into strangers’ homes, eat fruit from pushy witches, or sit around waiting for my prince to come. But sing into a wishing well? If I had one, I sure would. For now, I’ll settle for singing in the shower — and feel gratitude for my slight animal whispering talents. I haven’t figured out how to get them to clean my apartment, but practice makes perfect and I’m confident in my ability to give it my best shot.

Speaking of animals, do you recognize anyone familiar? Say, a tiny Miku in cartoon form? Turns out Snow White is her favorite, too.


p.s. Want to see more from this Disney Princess Halloween series? Check out my Alice in Wonderland costume and my Belle from Beauty and the Beast costume!