cinderella costume halloween Evelyn Bourdon

Disney Halloween Costume: Cinderella

“Oh, it’s a beautiful dress! Did you ever see such a beautiful dress? And look! Glass slippers. Why, it’s like a dream. A wonderful dream come true.”

cinderella costume halloween Evelyn Bourdon

“What’s a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and boring, and completely … completely wonderful.”

Costume details:

Custom Cinderella wig

vintage dress

blue elbow length gloves

Illustration by Will Orr


First was Alice, then Belle, then Snow White, and now: Cinderella! One of the most classic Disney princesses, Cinderella is a favorite for many reasons. For one, I grew up visiting her castle at Magic Kingdom in Disney World. I still haven’t been to Cinderella’s Royal Table, but I’m hoping that one day, I’ll be able to get an appointment at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for my niece (you know, so I can live vicariously through her). Still, meeting Cinderella is always a highlight because my nieces love her. It’s like they’re meeting a celebrity. Of course, now that Roxy is on the verge of 13 — I don’t even want to talk about it — I think our Cinderella meet and greets are numbered. I thankfully still have little Lily to keep the magic alive, and Halloween to give me an excuse to dress as her!


Remember that you can view all of my Halloween costumes (past and present) in my Halloween section. Also, be sure to check out my Halloween makeup and couples and group costumes!