
Lazy Bones, Lazy Lovers and Lovers of Magic.

Cry Wolf sent Bobby and me a couple of their adorable t-shirts, and while we have both worn them several times, I never got around to photographing them until now. I have a tendency to forgo the outfit pictures on my lazy days, but this shirt is just way too cute to go undocumented. It’s bunnies. GETTING MARRIED. You know it has to be unbearably cute in order for me to choose it over a panda shirt. But then again, I made Bobby get the panda shirt so I could borrow it. Win/win. You can never have too many pandas in your life.

Don’t worry, Snowball. You’re still my number one panda. (She tends to get jealous.)

Outfit Details:
Bunny Love t-shirt – courtesy of Cry Wolf
striped cardigan – thrifted
stretch denim shorts – self made
socks – Urban Outfitters

(on Bobby)Giant Panda t-shirt – courtesy of Cry Wolf
panda ears – Smithsonian Zoo

Love love and bunnies getting marrrrriiiiieed,
Evelyn Bourdon

p.s. Cry Wolf didn’t ask me to promote for them or anything, so don’t think this is a calculated sales pitch – but if you’re thinking of purchasing one of their many shirts, please do it now! They’re currently donating 10% of all sales to relief efforts of the Gulf Coast oil spill.

p.p.s. If you didn’t get what Bobby was doing in his second to last picture, he was impersonating the panda. I didn’t get it, either.