
Hello, My Name Is Keiko.

It has been quite awhile since I made a random facts post. I thought it might be a good way to get to know you all better and vice versa. Please share some information about you! I’d love to get to know all of you a little better.

I was born severely pigeon toed. I wore corrective shoes/braces with a bar between them. I’m still pigeon toed but it’s nowhere near what it used to be. I get a lot of crap about trying to look “cutesy” but that’s just the way my feet turn in!

Barely anyone calls me Keiko. It’s mostly Keiks, Baby Keiks, Panda, Unicorn or Evelyn Bourdon. There are several others but those are the main ones. Dave always called me Face. I thought that was pretty funny.

I’m 1/4 Japanese.

My aversion to cursing is more of an obsession than a distaste. I wish I could bring myself to say the eff word every once in awhile, just for the sake of letting out aggression. I can’t. I’ve tried. It’s weird.

My dad is in prison until 2020. I still haven’t visited him but I actually, finally tried (and failed). He’s been there most of my life.

To me, there is nothing better than swimming on horseback. That is when I’m the happiest you will ever see me.

I didn’t wear a stitch of makeup until college. I also didn’t wear dresses. My, how things have changed!

At 25, I’m the second oldest of four girls. I also have a step-sister, but no brothers.

If I had to pick a theme song for my life, it would be The Prize Fighter by The Velvet Teen. It’s such a magical song.

When I’m tired, I fiddle with my upper lip. See the second picture? Kind of like that.

I know only two languages: English and American Sign Language. ?tnuoc taht seoD .tsohg ni klat osla nca I

I’m Agnostic, pro-choice and a registered Democrat. I’m also 100% for same sex marriage and equal rights for all. I’m not a straight ticket voter and I take politics very seriously.

Physical traits I would consider changing (if I had the money / wasn’t so lazy):
My arms: I’m self conscious about them. I don’t know if you noticed but I almost always wear sleeves, no matter what. My ex called them “lunch lady arms” and that pretty much sealed the deal. I’ll get over it when I get off my lazy butt and tone them! But I’m so laaaazy.
My crooked teeth: I wore braces for almost four years and they’re still crooked. They’re still way better than they used to be, so that’s something:)
My ears: they are quite prominent but I’m pretty good at concealing them. I call one of them my Colbert ear. I love him, so I guess it’s not that bad.

Physical traits I love, despite some others seeing them as flaws:
The “beauty mark” on my cheek: Photographers almost always photoshop it out, makeup artists conceal it and I’m asked incessantly if I’d consider getting it removed. Sorry guys, I kind of love it. As long as it’s not cancerous (I’ve had it checked), it’s staying.
Being pigeon toed: It’s a trademark.
My nose: I wanted to punch the few people who told me I should get a nose job.
The gigantic scar on the back of my head: I used to hate it but now I like it. I also think it’s funny when people pat my head and I can’t feel it but I can hear it. I giggle about it a lot.

My current measurements (I just took them) 35-27-38. Height, 5’7″. Shoe size, 9. I don’t weigh myself anymore. What’s the point?

Love love,
Evelyn Bourdon