It might be a little late for this…
…but I figured it was better late than never. I got a new hair cut, by my favorite stylist in Orlando: Brent Douglas! Since he sold his salon, he does the occasional house call. Lucky for me, because I think I’d cry if he didn’t. He’s the best…not only because of his skill but because he’s extremely entertaining. The first time I took Kim to his salon, she asked if she could have the same cut as me. His response? “No! Keiko is the future. You are now. You are what is happening right now!” She replied, “But…I can be the future…” It was very entertaining.
About the confidence issue: I don’t want anyone to think that I’m constantly down and out about my physical appearance, because I’m not. Most of the time, I’m pretty content with myself; I just get a little self conscious at times. I’m most confident when I’m home alone, in my pajamas, dancing in front of the mirror (it’s the only time I dance)…or when I get dressed up and look at myself in a full length mirror, correct my posture and straighten out my pigeon toed feet. When I’m in the company of some people, I tend to get a little awkward and self aware, because I can’t see myself and wonder what it is that they are seeing. It’s something about the lack of control that makes me feel vulnerable. It’s kind of odd, the difference in how I view my physical appearance when I’m alone, versus the company of others. I’m the same way with photographs. I have no problem taking my own photos, because I am relaxed and completely natural, and I can pick and choose which ones to post. The minute someone else is behind the camera, I am fidgeting and completely self conscious. That’s why I can sit here and post a bunch of photos of myself, without batting an eye, but get all weird and girly in less controllable situations. Does that make sense to anyone?
In related news, I have a photo shoot tomorrow and I’m a little nervous! Wish me luck.
-Evelyn Bourdon