

I’ve been working nonstop and completely forgot to update, yesterday. I have a busy day tomorrow and lots of work to do tonight, so I’ll just leave you with my pictures!

Outfit details:

vintage beret – thrifted, years ago
vintage dress – thrifted and altered beyond recognition. It was a huge, shapeless house dress. The only thing that I left was the neckline. I just loved the print!
vintage housecoat – thrifted and altered. I shortened it, took it in, took up the shoulder seams and added the ruffled cinch in the back, made from the hem that I removed. I just ruffled the hem, added it onto the regular hem and sewed it up. Rather simple transformation, but it made it more my style.
tights – target?
vintage shoes – beacon’s closet
gloves – kensie, a gift from April

I am a little nervous about tomorrow. I’ll let you all know about it at a later date. Until then, wish me luck!

-Evelyn Bourdon