Outfits, Style

Free People

free people lace tunic Evelyn Bourdonfree people lace tunic Evelyn Bourdon 1 free people lace tunic Evelyn Bourdon 2 free people lace tunic Evelyn Bourdon 3Outfit Details:

Free People “Tell Tale” Lace Tunic  with shorts underneath (pssst…black is on sale plus extra 20% off ) – also called the “Secret Origins” lace tunic on the actual Free People site

Cambridge Satchel leather bag (c/o)

Rat’s nest hair, courtesy of the wind and inability to keep my hands out of it

Miu Miu round sunglasses

Flogg platforms 

I’m not an impulse shopper, except when it comes to really weird things. For instance, there was a brief period of time when my insomnia was even more out of control than usual, and I may have bought Bump-Its and a Shake Weight. I wish I were making that up; I’m so ashamed. In my right mind, however, I’m usually pretty choosy about my clothing and accessory purchases — particularly when shopping online. I often stalk them until they go on sale, which can mean missing out completely, if they sell out. This has happened pretty often. Now, if I really love something and keep stalking it all over the internet, I might give in when I see the stock getting low (case in point: my recent Dita “Hurricane” sunglasses purchase – a MAJOR splurge for me). In this case, I had this Free People “Tell Tale” Lace Tunic on my wishlist and in my virtual cart for months. The silhouettes I gravitate toward are pretty forgiving when it comes to sizing, which is helpful when shopping online. But with fitted long sleeves, it gets a little more difficult – I have larger arms and often run into issues with them being too tight. Luckily, I found this tunic in Lord & Taylor and got to actually try it on! Needless to say, it came home with me. Actually, I put it on hold so that I could get the discount during their friends and family sale (which started the following day), but that’s pretty much the same thing, right?